New Beginnings
In 2021, To Live is Christ Ministry saw its first official program in South Sudan come to fruition! We launched our Student Sponsorship Program consisting of fifteen students. More than half of these students have been paired with sponsors who have enabled them to receive full scholarships to attend school. We still have five students in need of sponsorship, however, all of them are enrolled and attending school through TLCM’s general fund. All our students are part of the program because they are in dire need of not only school tuition, but also many of the necessities of life. They are either orphans or living in severe economic hardship. Some of them get no food at home but eat only a single meal per day at school.
We were able to raise enough funds to put together a Christmas package for each student containing basic food items (flour, rice, cooking oil, sugar) and soap. The students and their families were happy to receive their packages to make their Christmases a little brighter, but we are painfully aware that the gift was only a small drop in the bucket of their need. We hope to give help like this and better on a more regular basis in the future, but we need your help. If you are not able to commit to sponsoring a child in school, please do not let that hinder you from giving a little here and there to help these children get enough to eat to be healthy and successful in school. Imagine being in school on one meal a day. Do you think you’d be able to pass when you’re always hungry? We are so proud of our students for persevering in school despite the hardships they face at home. They know the importance of a full education for their futures, and they sacrifice every day to keep that hope alive.
We have also begun a fund for a new well in Aru Junction, South Sudan. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to dig and install a deep solar well. Aru Junction is a place severely lacking in access to both water and education. Our long-term goal is to provide a home and school for the children that we sponsor. This will be the first step of our plan to build the To Live is Christ Children’s Home and Primary School.